1) TIFF to PDF conversion!

In 2016 we replaced our Java plug-in dependent image viewer. Since then we show our images in Portable Document Format (PDF). This project converted our images from TIFF to the open ISO Standard for document archiving called PDF/A. This will help insure our images will be readable for decades to come. Our web site uses the PDF viewer set up in your web browser. Our images are now available in most browsers. Mobile devices that are able to view PDF files can now view images from our web site.

2) Receipt Number/Invoice Number Search Information

When an overpayment is made to the Recorder’s Office while recording documents through the mail, the Auditor’s Office will send out a refund check. The Auditor uses the Recorder’s Office receipt number as their invoice number on the check. If you know the Recorder’s Office receipt number or the Auditor’s Office Invoice number, enter it into the text box on the Unregistered Land Receipt/Invoice Number Search screen.